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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hi, my name is Zarah

Hi, my name is Zarah, and I am a geek. I tried to deny it, but it keeps coming back. I've tried to leave this fate behind too many times. I have to admit:

  1. Yes, my major was Maths and Latin. But I went on to do a voluntary ecological year afterwards.
  2. Yes, I've studied Computer Science. But I've campaigned against the WTO and other evils at the same time.
Even though the only degree I have is an MSc for a thesis on 'Specification of Datatypes in Memory in CASL', I've been working on environmental issues ever since. And I like it - not only because it's for the greater good, also because it challenges your creativity and gets you in touch with some amazing people.

And yet: Sometimes I feel I'm getting more geeky by the day.
I'm introducing new technology at work, I'm opening accounts with all these wonderful Web 2.0 playgrounds, and recently I've even found myself programming the night away.

This blog - as most of them - is an experiment. After having watched the web evolve for quite a while, I feel tempted to join the conversation, to comment on things that inspire me, and to jot down the one or other idea. And above all, it is one way to acknowledge my inner geek.

[Comment on technology: I feel slightly bad for choosing blogger as a host for this experiment, but I didn't want to waste so much time setting up software that I lose my motivation to start writing and create content. In the long run, this might change.]

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