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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

About this blog

Name: Wiebke Herding
Also known as: Zarah Minor

Profession: Campaigner with a passion for technology

I'm writing this blog to keep track of ideas, to practice my writing, and to think things through. I am interested in blogging as 'reflective practice' and to guide my learning. If you like what you are reading, let me know.

I'm covering topics as they come my way, but this is what I've written about so far:

I also publish speeches given at my local Toastmasters Club, and reviews of books that I liked.

I work at an international organization devoted to sustainability and the environment. As a communicator, my job there is to make sure that the great things we are doing don't just happen behind the scenes. I am very interested in the way information technology, and in particular the internet, is changing human interaction and communication.

While I might not be blogging more than twice a month, you can find me at other virtual water coolers:
If you prefer email, you can reach me at .


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